Thursday, September 20, 2007


It comes uninvited in every blogger's life when there are a real shortage of new entries. The question "what to write ?" pops up in some corner of mind & is fed by different absurd ideas; "ok, I should write about this or that". The blog during this phase is famished in the scarcity of new entries & just to keep it alive the blogger forcefully has to put some thing new, I just saw a Chennai girl's blog in which she has mentioned about her successful effort of making Paav Bhaaji. Well, for any human living in so south of India, a northern paav bhaaji making expedition deserves a place in blog. The problem is I cant write all this because I haven't even tried making Dosa yet in past few days. Having kicked out of kitchen a few times by my mom has forced me to accept that I cant cook even though I know how to make Maggi & tea, my only two cooking achievement. Coming back, the blogger falls into such scarce entry state which makes them repeatedly seeing their own entries & counting the number of visitors ( who also may have seen them ) or changing the color of blog. Some even take a vacation from this blogging business. But for the most dangerous part, there is always a fear of blogger becoming a poet during such state. For those the easy answer is : Cant write anything, write poems. & then starts the battle of intelligentsia. Such bloggers whenever meeting fellows always ask : 'hey! have you read my new poem? Really, I don't believe that I have written it. Have you also read the comments ? ( I just don't understand who comments for such things, well, the fools have majority everywhere ).

If you still didn't understood I am also in one of those phases: scarcity of new entries. Not to blame myself but where will I find so many things to write upon, after all my brain weighs only 1.4 kgs ( universal information source : Google ). I think that I should write Indian history once again in my own way & when I am writing it in my blog, my presence in every important turn in the history of India becomes quite understood.
Once and for all, please dont blame me if I too start writing poems।

1 comment:

Sanjeet Tripathi said...

सही लिखा है बॉस!!
चिंता न करें स्वागत है आपकी कविताओं का भी, क्योंकि हम में से अधिकांश जो कविताकी परिभाषा तय कर रखी है है वह यही है कि कुछ शब्द जिनसे झलकते हो भाव, जिसमे हो एक लय सी बस हो गई कविता। इस तरह छात्र जीवन मे हर भारतीय अपनी कॉपियों के पीछे कुछ लाईन्स लिखता ही है और उसे नाम दे देता है कविता, सो देखा जाए तो हम सब ऐसे ही "कवि" हैं।

रही बात आपकी दो कुकिंग उपलब्धियों की तो कभी किचन में दो-तीन बार ट्राई करिए पूरा खाना बनाने का, दावे के साथ कह सकता हूं कि आप दो-तीन बार ट्राई करने पर जो अनुभव होगा उसे आप खुद ब खुद यहां लिखना चाहेंगे।

पढ़ते रहता हूं आपको अक्सर, कमेंट शायद पहली बार दे रहा हूं।