Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Reflections On Mumbai Fiasco : The Logic Of Ostrich

November 28th 2008 5:15 PM

I am agitated today to be called as human. Mumbai is under most ferocious attack, bullets & grenades flying like saucers in all directions, people running for protection & after all this horrific drama we still call ourselves the gem of nature, the most intelligent mammal. The ethical principle - live & let live – is long forgotten & has been taken place by violence & atrocities where blood is considered no better than water. The events from November 26th till present has made one thing sure that further blood-shed in inevitable, whilst revenge will be the mantra & bullet for bullet will be the only source of satisfaction. But shall not ‘eye for an eye’ will make the whole world blind. It may seem a cowardly writing especially in such time when rages are on fire & the demand for counter-reply can be heard everywhere. I don’t care even if this is taken cowardly & fearful in such a world where being courageous simply means being violent. I mourn for the death of innocents wherever it shall be & I condemn such violence whomever it shall be.

At the time, when I am writing this blog-entry, the terror has come to end. The militants have been gunned down by security forces; over one hundred fifty innocent civilians killed & with them died their dreams, their possibilities & most of all their hearts. They were sacrificed for religious & political ideologies.

I have been asking few since all this drama started that what the final solution of terrorism is. I am not surprised when all the replies I got ended in a big nothing. There isn’t any solution for the simple reason that the problem of terror has never been looked in its perfect & absolute form. This is a political world that we live in & all this dancing on the bloody floor is a part of package. While this is the high time for print & electronic media, blogs & other different sources of communications to investigate, condemn & post-mortem the events. In all this melodramatic thought process the ‘cause & effect’ will be lost, it has always been.

November 29th 8:45 PM

The logic of Ostrich

The ostrich maintains a simple logic – when enemy on sight, bury the head in ground – the enemy that’s not visible is no enemy at all. We often follow the Ostrich’s logic when any event of this sort occurs. Humanity is been so much classified, compartmentalized & divided that on the names of humans only identities appear. Groups & sects have replaced the absolute identical structures & any replacement of this kind has made one thing sure – the clashes between groups.

While answering to my disturbing questions ‘P’ answered that these terrorists have been so badly brainwashed that they just follow commands be it related to violence or anything. But again, aren’t we all brainwashed since centuries. We identify ourselves as Hindus, Muslims or Indians, Pakistanis, Americans & out of this identification we unconsciously make sure that the other group or sect is the enemy & as the age old rule states – everything is fair in love & war – we love the group that we belong to & physically, mentally or spiritually jump into war with another. Killings are licensed & validated for the love of a group or sect.

As the education is made easily available in this & previous century, a new breed of idealism has germinated which claims all humans to be equal & all groups, sects & religion preaching the same thing – peace within humans. They condemn such violent attacks & claim that no religion ever teaches violence. This is brainwashing & sleeping at its height. No one looks or doesn’t want to look at the other side of coin. When all religions are equal then what is the need of so many.

To be continued...

(The above blog-entry isn't meant to cross the limits of anyone's personal identity or freedom. However, I maintain that although bitter & sour, I have tried to bring into light the factual status of recent events rather then reflecting the common notion of condemnation that has been catered to us since ages. Either swallow it or spit it out the taste of truth will remain same. The house that we all live in is on fire & whether we stay in it or get out of it will depend on individual choice. Therefore, the entry investigates rather then imposing any idea. )


Unknown said...

its been a while since your last post- writer's block? ;)

Faith Lasts said...

**When all religions are equal then what is the need of so many.

Variety :-)

Anyways to the main point..
You or I getting disturbed only makes us weak and to fight we need strength.

I would just say Be peaceful within and then fight !
The whole message of the bhagwad geeta :-)

On a personal level this answer will always hold true, like it or not!

"BE the change you want to see"

Then , yes it is utterly painful to see what has become of human beings and what happened in Mumbai and I condemn it..
Its shameful
And if you are looking for solutions ...yes there are answers

Come to think of it, I too like you have mourned to what has become of the human race,,,but when was it any different
Anyways thats not the point
The point is we need to make a difference to our lives, then to the lives of those around us and in the present times, be a world citizen.
Expand our vision
and as you say Live
Happy Living

Faith Lasts said...

**When all religions are equal then what is the need of so many.

Variety :-)

Anyways to the main point..
You or I getting disturbed only makes us weak and to fight we need strength.

I would just say Be peaceful within and then fight !
The whole message of the bhagwad geeta :-)

On a personal level this answer will always hold true, like it or not!

"BE the change you want to see"

Then , yes it is utterly painful to see what has become of human beings and what happened in Mumbai and I condemn it..
Its shameful
And if you are looking for solutions ...yes there are answers

Come to think of it, I too like you have mourned to what has become of the human race,,,but when was it any different
Anyways thats not the point
The point is we need to make a difference to our lives, then to the lives of those around us and in the present times, be a world citizen.
Expand our vision
and as you say Live
Happy Living