Monday, August 14, 2006

Terrorism !!!

Just a few days back a very big & eye-catching news flashed everywhere round the globe.
A Fidayeen couple along with a baby were caught in Heathrow (London) when they were about to board the plane. After this, nearly 19 people were caught on this account & then a frightening information came out ; they were planning to explode nearly 10 planes on air ; another example of terrorism.

These terrorists were Islamic & now-a-days esp. after 9/11 extremist Islam & terrorism are going side by side.But, giving a glance to the world history or the current events, it is not so.
I R A is not Islamic.
LTTE is a hindu extremist organization.
Maoist in Nepal were not concerned to any religion.
My point is simply to point out those who are using the shoulders of Islam in order to carry out their fanaticism don’t belong to any religion.

Where the rest of world stands in the emergence of terrorism ?
Especially, the developed countries. Are they equally responsible in this violent act ?
What would one call the time-phase which is historically called as ‘cold-war.’ ?
If terrorism simply means an act of terrifying some one then I don’t think so that people were’nt terrified when both USA & Russia(FORMER USSR) were aiming at each other with missiles loaded with nukes.
If the time-phase of Cuba Missile Crisis is looked closely then I don’t imagine that people around the world were living merrily at that time.

Development of nuclear bombs led the rich nations to divert their attention from the conventional war-fare methods. Although, these nuclear bombs are worth millions but still they are not useful. This world cannot afford any more Hiroshima-Nagasaki.
It simply means that now nuclear bombs are meant only for threatening.
But since with the development of nukes these nations had also to carry burdens of the conventional war-fares methods, it started on a world scale sale of these old war-fare methods.
Now, the interesting part is this that all the countries are fighting the terrorists with the same guns that were previously made by these countries only & the terrorists are also using the same factory’s product.

Friedrich Nietzsche once said, ‘Insanity in individual is rare ; But in groups, parties & nations it is a rule .’

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Just Few Words

Today, was a very awkward day for me. Being the day on which Rakhi festival is celebrated nation wide I got unfortunate news of sad demise of one of my friends in a car crash. It took place last mid-night when he was enroute to Jagdalpur.

The whole day my mind was busy in gathering whatever scattered memories of his in the past few days.
What a strange life we live ? No one among is quite sure about his farewell from this world. By the evening my mind eased down a little bit with the help of some distractions.
I wonder how much time everyone is going to take to forget me after my demise. The nearer ones, the longer time.

I came back to my home in night & saw a poor man sitting at my doorsteps. After a little enquiry I came to know that the man has not eaten from two days. I gave him a note of 100 Rs & as I was about to leave my eyes got glued to his face. He was looking at that note as if he has got some kind of treasure.
That note meant food for him. Food, for which he was craving from two days.
This is, what I see, an urge to live. A thirst for life.

One sad demise followed by one’s longing to live.
Today was the day of end of one life in form of a very good man & the birth of new life in the eyes of that poor man.
This day is going to be remembered for a long time.