Sunday, January 27, 2008

Bye Bye Humpty Dumpty

Hi blog,

Fare you well 2007, the year really deserved it. It was a topsy turvy ride all year round producing mixed results for me. On the better side I started my steel mill, after a long wait of fifteen months. On the worse side I have added a lot of weight. Sad.
But when everything has calmed down I decide now to put off this unwanted fat. On the question of weight gain I must add that i was huge of nearly ninety kg some six years back. Fortunately I came to my senses & reduced it down to sixty seven kg taking almost one & half years. My inspiration being the fruits of young age that I dearly wanted to enjoy. Dear blog, I hope you understand what I
In present day status I am seventy six kg, much of which is the result of my laziness. Anyway, have got to get down to sixty six , a steep decline of ten kg. How is this possible you ask my dear blog. I will tell you how.

There are few golden rules that I followed while reducing my weight a few years back. Dear blog, just take notice.

.The first & foremost rule is dieting. No weight loss can be achieved without proper dieting & when I say dieting my dear blog it does not mean that one has to starve. No, not at all. Its a myth that if one will eat less one will loose weight. On the contrary, if one is eating less the human body following its primitive tendency (don't forget that our ancestors lived in jungles & caves & were dependent upon hunting for food. So, the human body possesses those genes that deliberately store the fat, just in case the hunting expedition wasn't successful for two-three days) stores the fat instead of utilizing the food in form of energy. Dont get surprised my dear blog, its not how much you eat but its what you eat. So, the first rule is eating six meals a day or eating after every three hours & to avoid the fat three portions out of these six should & only should be fruits. The rest three are breakfast, lunch & dinner. Easy. In this way the dieter cant be vitamin deprived. Thanks to fruits.

.The second thumb rule is not to stuff oneself while eating breakfast, lunch or dinner. I have found that Indian meal plan is full of fats & carbohydrates & if one takes no notice of what to eat its very easy to become obese. So, one should either eat only chappati or rice. Never a combination of both. Its really suicidal when my dear blog one is trying to loose weight.

.Thirdly one should always try to eat dinner as early as possible. This makes stomach empty by the time one sleeps & calorie is burned while sleeping also. Thats a real fact.

. Now comes exercise. There is a myth that if one works hard in gym or cardio machine then one will loose weight. Mind it my dear blog, exercise only speeds up the metabolism but dieting is the only thing that makes us lean & thin. But exercise cant be ignored as it shapes up the body. I work on three day split training. It means three days cardio (jogging, cycling, swimming) & the rest three days muscular exercises. I do this in alternate way mixing up both. But this is not necessary for everyone. A five day cardio training is enough for a healthy weight loss.
But the duration of exercise should never ever exceed thirty minutes because after that body starts burning the valuable protein for energy resulting in muscle loss. Yes my dear blog thats why the marathon runners are so skinny. I have found that interval training system is best for cardio exercises. It really boosts the metabolism for twenty four hrs. Yes thats true.
This is a sample interval training plan for tread mill users & can be used by anyone.

5 min warm up at the speed of 4 km/hr
2 min light jog at the speed of 6 km/hr
1 min running at the speed of 8 km/hr
now this 2 min & 1 min completes a cycle. This cycle should be repeated for at least seven times that means 21 minutes of sweat breaking workout.
After this 4 min of cool down at the speed of 4 km/hr

Total time 30 min . Yippee !

Dear blog this training system has helped me burn more calories than running continuously of 45 minutes. The reason is simple, it keeps that heart rate (no of times a heart beats in a minute) to 50-60% of its efficiency. The range which burns fats. The higher range burns protein. One can calculate one's heart rate by this formula 220-your age. This is the highest number of times a heart can beat. In my case my heart rate is 220-27 = 190. So my target heart rate should be 50-60% of it & that is 97 - 117. Simple.

Another thing, I try taking a lot of protein in my diet. The most abundant source is egg white while the yolk I always throw because its all fat. I also take fat free protein drink right after my workout, the time when the body needs its most. The reason behind more protein intake is that our muscle are all made of protein & more muscle one have more calorie one will burn.

Most important I drink at least 10 glasses of water.

So, this is all the secret behind a healthy fat loss, my dear blog. I hope to see my self 10 kg lighter in next few months. Until then, I fast to feast.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Nano Effect & The Rice Defect

The year 2008 enters with strong buzz in its first month with Tata's world's cheapest car 'Nano', which unwillingly created a race for its viewers during the Delhi Car Expo, resulting in lathi charge by police. The dream car with a price tag of Rs 1 lakh seems to have fulfilled the Indian dream (much similar to that American dream) to have owned a car by each middle class family. Thus, India enters into new era, the era of Nano.
Also, the tiny of state of Chattisgarh comes into light of sight with the Govt's politically ambitious announcement of offering rice to its poor people at the cost of Rs 3 per kg. The inauguration was done in style, attended by many VIPs, & road blocks. Thanks to the Govt for two reasons - to bringing into attention to Delhites of this tiny state & moreover for the remembrance of its poor people albeit after four years. The state assembly election standing at the corner of this year explains all the ethics behind this. Whats never been mentioned in this program was the question 'why not four years earlier'. Retrospectively glanced, the much debated anti naxal 'Salwa Judum' movement was also initiated in the same style by the same Govt. some three years back. The consequence was the amount of innocent deaths in three years surpassing the figures of last twenty years.
Putting into Putin's bifurcation of weak & strong Govt, it seems an obvious inquiry that is this Govt really able to handle such programs which eventually leads the people of state into more chaos.
Corrupted to its roots, the state public distribution system will be responsible for the distribution of Rs 3 per kg rice to its rightful but I suppose this is not going to happen even if we have lived in the age of Ramayana. The ration shops are the center of black marketing, sparing not even the kerosene oil (although they undergo some chemical process of changing the oil color from blue to white) & the sugar which yields much profit in the open market. Within the hands of these ration shops, the rice is gold at the price of Rs 3 per kg, paving way for black marketeers to earn profit in millions while the people for whom rice is meant will have to wait in just another queue. Their disappointment will be added in tonnes.

The gap between Rs 1 lakh & Rs 3 is mathematically great but it isn't when comes to common human desires. Nano means dream come true while Rice at Rs 3 per kg means hunger quenched. Driven by these meager desires, the humanity have been promised of platonic life from ages, unfortunately every such promise has lead (not only French) it to guillotine.
& on the subject of dignity I must add that if & only if the rice 'to be sold' is available only for this year whence the new Govt takes charge next year, one must think before-hand instead of voting for any Govt who acts only in its final year.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

World's greatest singer : Watch it till end !!!

a mari usque ad mare

Just as such, this blog no more caters my paintings (a recently adopted métier of mine) , much of the past space has been occupied by writings. As the Latin phrase puts a mari usque ad mare : from sea to sea , I turn my paintings to another newly formed blog. & thus the justification has been done since I find an abyss between both medium ; the paintings & the writings. Both reach out in their own way so best both should be tamed differently. I beg the readers to suggest me the title of this blog, although at present it bears a blur title, the best I could think of Canvas & Colors.
In future I request the readers to log on to this blog for my paintings.