Tuesday, June 20, 2006


What is life? Most of us will not be able to answer this question. I too cannot answer this question. Life can only be lived and the way one lives it becomes the answer to this question. So, let me talk about the living of life instead. Another question here arises; do we actually live ? Most of the people realise about living when they are in death bed. For example we never know that there is a left or right hand of our's untill we get hurt on them.
Whenever I am in deep conversation with anyone, they start talking about their sorrows. They try to convince that they are in deep sorrow. They try to decorate sorrows also by making them look bigger. Is it not for gain of sympathy? This sympathy becomes food of their ego. This sympathy becomes their worst enemy. It will never let go their sorrows. Once I was sitting with my friends in a restaurant and after a while everyone started talking about their sorrows. Later on a fight broke out between them on the question of whose sorrow was bigger. Everyone was saying everyone that u dont know anything that how worse is my condition.
I was also asked . I simply appologized by saying that my sorrow is very small infront of yours. What else could have I said ? I still wonder.
Life, is like a white canvas. One can paint anything on it. But one should always remember that whatever life one is living it's the way that one has chosen it to be. Nobody else is responsible. And once one accepts the whole responsibility, the conversion begins.
And I am not saying that one should run away from sorrow. This we all do and it never ends. We hug the happiness and try to run away from sorrow. This is not possible. Where there is a day there is bound to be night also. Instead of running one should try to welcome and accept our sorrows without decorating them as a showpiece for the gain of sympathy.
This very life can become a wonderful journey.


ripz said...

I have always viewed life as a blank page. Anything can be scribbled.
And yes, a sunset has a charm of its own.

Anonymous said...

"Enjoy every moment of life, no matter what it is" I don't know why people waste time in defining life, just live your present and enjoy it with ur family and friends.

Amit Tiwari अमित तिवारी said...

thanks for comments.
Your views about life is very right. yes life is a blank page and anything can be scribbled on it.

Amit Tiwari अमित तिवारी said...

thanks for comment.
enjoying every moment of life is an art not known by many people. it's good that u possess such quality.

JuSt AnoThEr FaCe In ThE CrOwD said...

Great piece...poetic and philosphical...

I can see your views are similar to those of Sarte and the existentialists (Of existence preceeding essence and also about individual responsibility)...

great writing ...ill read more...keep writing.

p.s all that i have read of sarte was a comic magazine as an introduction...havent read being and nothingness so am a pretentious sarte scholar in "BAD FAITH" as he would put it:-)

Amit Tiwari अमित तिवारी said...

thanks for ur comments.
if u r interested in sartre, u should read being and nothingess. it's the greatest work of his. bcoz in that book he writes of such topic which is literally unknown and which can only be experienced and that is nothingness.